big box variety meal 10.8
thanks to columbus day our show is on monday. stay tuned next tuesday for our regular 8-10pm tuesday slot
m.i.a - road runner
m.i.a - birdflu
radiohead - 15 step
milla jovovich - flashlight
simian mobile disco - it's the beat
simian mobile disco - hustler
international noise conspiracy - capitalism stole my virginity
the unseen - scream out
interpol - mammoth
interpol - pace is the trick
interpol - all fired
the loved ones - jane
depeche mode - enjoy the silence
i am the avalanche - green eyes
caribou - sandy
caribou - after hours
bjork - i see who you are
air - kelly watch the stars (live on kcrw)
radiohead - bangers n' mash (live)
david bowie - life on mars (live)
bright eyes - mushaboom (live)
queen - don't stop me now (live)
patti smith - my generation (live)
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